My future job

 As for my future work, I would like to work in a hospital for a while in the area of pharmacovigilance. I imagine it very exhausting to be honest but I would really like to live the experience of working in a hospital but when I have more experience I would like to have my own pharmacy and be able to live from it. I would not like to travel much to my work, it is very exhausting and tiring to be traveling all the time because I have already lived this, for example, when there were classes I had to get up at 5:40 in the morning to get to the university at 8:00 and traveling every day that amount of time discourages and exhausts you both physically and mentally. As far as specialization goes, I would like to specialize in pharmacology because it has always caught my attention how medicines work and how they achieve a benefit for an illness. As for my future work in pharmacy I would like to have an aesthetically beautiful pharmacy and that there are as many drugs at a cheaper price than the chain pharmacies and that the customers would like to buy from my pharmacy again, so I would like to take a course in business management to be able to manage it well. I hope you liked the blog. Goodbye


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