Today I want to talk to you about a problem that should interest us all. I want to talk to you about femicide, which is not a problem that only occurs in Chile, but at a global level. Gender violence against women is a factor of enormous concern in Chilean society because every year there are more femicides in our country. Femicide includes those deaths of women at the hands of their partners, ex-partners or relatives, women murdered by stalkers, sexual aggressors
and/or rapists, etc. Violence against women and girls and its manifestations in various forms of aggression, such as abuse, rape and murder, was until a few decades ago naturalized and hidden in modern societies. It is only in the second half of the twentieth century that women themselves from their experience, and in particular feminists, begin to name this specific violence as a reflection of the asymmetry in power relations between men and women. Currently in Chile there are 49 cases of femicide in the year 2020, the last case was registered on November 20th and it was a femicide carried out by the partner's partner, this happened in the fifth region; Valparaiso. Fortunately, this year fewer femicides have been registered, since last year at this same date there were 63 cases. However, the ideal situation is that these types of murders do not exist, that is why it is important to create public policies where women can feel safe and protected by the law.
I hope you liked today's blog. See you next week.
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