
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2020
Today I want to talk to you about a problem that should interest us all. I want to talk to you about femicide, which is not a problem that only occurs in Chile, but at a global level. Gender violence against women is a factor of enormous concern in Chilean society because every year there are more femicides in our country. Femicide includes those deaths of women at the hands of their partners, ex-partners or relatives, women murdered by stalkers, sexual aggressors and/or rapists, etc. Violence against women and girls and its manifestations in various forms of aggression, such as abuse, rape and murder, was until a few decades ago naturalized and hidden in modern societies. It is only in the second half of the twentieth century that women themselves from their experience, and in particular feminists, begin to name this specific violence as a reflection of the asymmetry in power relations between men and women. Currently in Chile there are 49 cases of femicide in the year 2020, the last ...

My future job

 As for my future work, I would like to work in a hospital for a while in the area of pharmacovigilance. I imagine it very exhausting to be honest but I would really like to live the experience of working in a hospital but when I have more experience I would like to have my own pharmacy and be able to live from it. I would not like to travel much to my work, it is very exhausting and tiring to be traveling all the time because I have already lived this, for example, when there were classes I had to get up at 5:40 in the morning to get to the university at 8:00 and traveling every day that amount of time discourages and exhausts you both physically and mentally. As far as specialization goes, I would like to specialize in pharmacology because it has always caught my attention how medicines work and how they achieve a benefit for an illness. As for my future work in pharmacy I would like to have an aesthetically beautiful pharmacy and that there are as many drugs at a cheaper price t...

Free theme: Gambito de dama

 I want to talk to you today about a series that I saw very recently and that I loved! If you have the possibility to have netflix I recommend you to watch it! Gambito de dama is an American mini-series that was just released on netflix a few weeks ago. Gambito de dama is a fictional story that follows the life of an orphaned chess prodigy, Beth Harmon, during her quest to become the best chess player in the world while struggling with emotional problems and drug and alcohol dependency. It is not the typical American series about teenage problems and is highly overrated. Checkers Gambit at the end of each chapter makes you intrigued and eager to know what will happen next! Despite being a mini-series of only 8 chapters it is very well done and the plot is very good. Also, the lead actress Anya Taylor-joy the way she plays her character is very good... I think she is one of the best actresses I have ever seen. I liked this series very much because it is inspired by the 1950s and con...

my profession

 The pharmaceutical chemist is a health professional, specialist in the knowledge, development, production and application of medicines, cosmetics and other substances, both in terms of their beneficial effects and in the management of toxic effects on human and animal health. I chose pharmacy because I would like to work in the field of private pharmacies, hospitals or laboratories. These three areas attract my attention, but if I had to choose one of them, I would work in a hospital and in the future I would have my own pharmacy. The benefits of studying pharmacy is that you can work in many places as it has a wide range of employment. In addition to being an unsaturated career since a few pharmacists graduate each year because the career is complicated and few manage to graduate from it.  But, there are also disadvantages to studying pharmacy, for example you have to study a lot and sometimes you have to leave things aside to study for an exam. Another disadvantage of study...